If your tooth has become broken, badly decayed or damaged in such a way that a filling is not strong enough to support the tooth, then a Crown may be recommended by your dentist as the most suitable treatment option for you.
A crown (also known as a ‘cap’) is a protective cover fitted over the existing structure of a broken or damaged tooth to restore function and appearance. With advances in modern dental technology, all-ceramic crowns are proven to be as strong and durable as metal porcelain crowns and so they are able to offer patients the best of both worlds – a long lasting and natural looking solution.
With no black line at gum level and made to match your natural teeth in shape and colour, an all-ceramic crown is a natural looking restoration that can blend into the rest of your smile. Crowns can be the ideal treatment option for the following dental situations:
To restore badly broken teeth
To restore teeth that have been heavily filled and become weak
To reshape, an uneven or unsightly tooth to match your surrounding teeth
To restore the brightness to discoloured teeth
To protect a root treated tooth
You have a bridge or denture which needs to be held in place
To replace an old crown that no longer fits very well or that has become discoloured